GOUT and its management through Ayurveda - India Vel

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India Vel


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Wednesday 29 November 2017

GOUT and its management through Ayurveda

Gout is a disorder characterized by sudden recurring attacks of painful arthritis caused by deposits of monosodium urate crystals which accumulate in joints because of an abnormally high uric acid level in the blood.
Joint inflammation can become chronic and deforming after repeated attack. Most of the people who have this attack develop kidney stone. In ayurvedic, this condition looks like Vatarakta.
Vatarakta also starts at feet. Gout also involves the metatasro phalangeal joint of the big toe. Pathogenesis of gout through the deposit of uric acid crystals and the influence of rakta dhatu has got similarity.
Articular features are characterized in both the conditions.
In Vatarakta janu, amsa and padasula and southam will be present.
Redness (raga), warmth (usna), fever (jvara), fatigue (klama), cutaneous manifestation (tvakdusthi), cutaneous modules (arbuda).
This disease is produced as a result of marga rodha of vata by rakta. Here an equal importance is given to vata and rakta.
Fasting uric acid level which is less that 5 – 6 mg/dl is normal.
  • ·        Amapachana with Trikatu chooranam
  • ·        Snehapana is done with Maha jiktaka grutham
  • ·        Virechana with Eranda Thailam with milk
  • ·        Satva of guduchi

  • ·        2 to 4 litres of water everyday
  • ·        Green gram, wheat
  • ·        Bitter gourd, drumstick, onion and dates

  • ·        Smoking
  • ·        Alcohol
  • ·        Spicy, salty, deep fried, fatty and protein rich diet.

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